The Tera Sherman Photography Experience

getting to know you

I want to hear ALL about your family so I know how best to create images that reflect each and every personality. Who are the people in your home? Which one is shy,... and who is the complete ham? What are your favorite things to do as a family (and perhaps most importantly, where are you going out for dessert after our session, and am I invited?!)

JK, but first you will fill out a questionnaire for me and take a look at my Pricing & Location Guide which will help you choose your package and location.

client experience guide

Once you have paid your deposit, I'll send over my style guide which will help you get the most out of your photos. It will help you select the colors and patterns that photograph best, and I even include helpful lists of where to shop.

the magic of the session

No stressing at all during the session!  As long as you followed the tips in the Client Experience Guide and in your final prep email you are good to go!  The rest is on me and I've got you!  I'll help you pose during the session and capture the genuine in between poses that highlight your beautiful family.  I promise to deliver your digital images 2 weeks after session, but I am known for my early delivery :). Once you receive your images, you will have the option to order prints from my professional lab straight from your online gallery.  You are also welcome to print on your own and your gallery delivery email will have all of the info you need!

My favorite things:


I am lucky enough to live in beautiful Southwest Florida and I LOVE the beach/boating.


02 guilty pleasure

Shopping at West Elm, Watching BRAVO TV with a bowl of cereal in bed (I don't do desserts but can definitely get down with a bowl of cereal!)


03 meal

Pizza or Pasta

Steak & Mashed Potatoes

(With a Captain & Diet on the weekend)

My favorite things:

04 animals

I love ocean animals!  The dolphins that love to follow our boat are amazing and my absolute favorite!

(And of course my two dogs, Bella & Brady)

My favorite things:

05 part of my job

As a former kindergarten teacher, the kids are my favorite but creating memories for the moms comes in at a close second.